Friday, November 1, 2013

Guest Blog: Six wedding thank you note no-no’s

As wedding planners we all try to be experts in every area where our clients may need guidance. Most of the time, we have the answers, but other times, we need to do some research, ask a peer or better yet, call on the REAL experts and stop pretending we know everything about everything!

When Emily Easton e-mailed us and asked if she could share some information on wedding thank you notes, I jumped at the chance! I cannot begin to tell you how many of my clients have asked me questions like, "Nar, how can I personalize my thank you notes to make them more special?" or "How long does my thank you note need to be?" While I can compose a mean birthday card, I am hardly an expert on all things etiquette, so thank you Emily, for dropping a little bit of education and making our lives a little bit easier! 

Six wedding thank you note no-no’s

BYLINE:  Emily Easton

Everyone loves getting a thank you note for a shower or wedding gift. The gift-giver loves it even more when the note-writer does not make these missteps:

1. Making the note too short. Each thank you note should be at least two sentences. Two full sentences. Three is better.

2. Not naming every gift. Don’t thank the giver just for the darling placemats if she also gave you napkins and napkin rings. Somehow, convey that you appreciate each gift – even if you use phrases like “an assortment of kitchen tools.”

3. Failing to mention why you like the gift. Include some description of why you appreciate the gift, such as:
·         We need so many items for our kitchen and the blender you sent is one of our favorite additions! We love smoothies …
·         Mom always brought out special serving items for entertaining, and now the gorgeous pewter platter you gave us starts our collection.
·         Tyler and I are so grumpy without our first cup of coffee. The coffee maker you selected …
·         No need to wonder if the gift you sent will be used! Thanks so much for the check you sent. It went right into our honeymoon fund …

4. Starting with “I.”  You do remember your grade school teacher telling you never ever to start a thank you note with I. It’s too me-me-me.

5.  Starting with the words “Thank You.”  Of course you need to write the words “thank you” in the body of your note. But only the dullest notes start with those words. Force yourself to start with anything but “thank you” and you’re on your way to a great note. Here are some openings that will be appreciated:
  • How surprised we were to open the box and see the lovely pitcher you sent us!
  • Cold Wisconsin nights will be easier to take with the big plush blanket you gave us.  
  • It’s party time! Thanks for the terrific ice bucket you gave us …

6. Complimenting your own wedding. You certainly hope your guests will have – or did have – a good time at your wedding. But don’t brag in your thank you note. Avoid any phrase such as “We’re so glad you were able to come to our wonderful wedding!”  

Emily Easton is a note-writing expert. Her website on Wedding Thank You Notes can be found at

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