Fake cakes are Styrofoam cakes decorated with fondant or Perma-icing that happen to look just like the real thing! These fake cakes can be custom designed or pre-decorated. The best part is that the bottom tier comes with a secret compartment for real cake that is large enough to perform the cake cutting ceremony so you won’t miss out on any great photos. The fake cake will then discretely be taken away for “cutting” and your servers will return with slices from an entirely different sheet cake for your guests.
I know it may seem like you’re tricking your guests into believing you have an elaborate, show-stopping cake but it is well worth the deception. The average wedding cake cost about $543 and if you live in a metropolitan area you’ll be paying hundreds more (gasp!). However, renting a fake cake can save you up to 60% of the cost of a real cake. Also, when you choose to go with a fake cake you avoid those painful cake-cutting fees many venues have. Other than the chance of an impatient guest sneaking over to sample the frosting, the risk of your guests finding out about this little hoax is very minimal.
Check out this environmentally friendly company called FunCakes Rental. FunCakes Rental has been featured on many television shows, including the Today Show and The Rachael Ray Show. They also deliver anywhere in the world! Pre-designed cakes start at $175 and custom cakes start at $275. Here are a few of the pre-designed cakes they have to offer. Enjoy!

**POSTED BY ANNA SMITH: DIYva Designs Event Coordinator**
What an interesting idea! I never would have thought about doing that.